Proton Experience

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas tree in the 4 lane

Treatment number 13 and the Monday visit to the clinic are completed. Everything is really going well. They have moved my treatment earlier and tomorrow it will be at 6:15 am. Even for a morning person this is a pretty early treatment as you need to be up for about an hour to empty the bladder and complete the refill procedure just prior to the treatment.

We went to visit San Diego again this weekend. Heard some interesting things on the radio on the way down. The first is that if you want to go to Mexico to get steroids you have to have a Doctor in Mexico write the prescription. Apparently it is not a good idea to take any weapons when you visit the Doctor. This was a radio advertisement by the Chamber of Commerce for a border city. I am thinking that carbo loading is a safer way to bulk up.

The second was the report of a Christmas tree down in the 4 lane of I-5 causing a large back up. I don't recall backing up any traffic when the trees have blown off my car.

We helped Emily and Peter put on a beginners adventure "race" on Sunday at Lake Hodges in Escondito, CA. Peter was the race creator and director and I am pretty sure my title was Assistant Race Director. Emily asked Peter to put this together as part of her birthday present. The event consisted of mountain biking, kayaking, navigation, basketball, and some golf. The participants really had a good time and it was fun to help with the event. Two of the racers were originally from Chile and they surprised us with a traditional Chilean meal at the end of the event . The first dish was pastel de choclo, similar to a shepherd pie or casserole, made with meat and layer of mashed corn. The second dish was de horno empanadas de pino which is traditional turnover pie. (de horno-baked, frito-fried, de pino-with a meat and onion filling, de queso-cheese, de mariscos-seafood) . It was really good. I stayed away from the hot sauce that went with it, and endured the "wimp" comments rather calmly. One of the technicians on Gantry 3 is from Chile and seemed to be impressed that we had tried empanadas.

I am off to try and find a few presents, a little earlier than usual but I seem to have a bit of time on my hands.


  • Randy, even though we haven't blogged you back to date, we've been following your messages and it's interesting to know what's happening and what you're going through. Even though you weren't at the Christmas tree lot barking trees, they ended up selling out. We're thinking of you and sometimes envy the warm weather you're enjoying; but when the sun shines on the snow covered mountains, we're always thankful to you that we're here.

    Take care,
    Peg & Dick

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:03 PM  

  • Randy,
    Have been following your progress and sounds so good I find myself thinking you're on vacation! At least your weather is nicer than here. I am glad you have so many great things to do with Emily and her husband and get a chance to explore around your newly adopted residence. We wish you the best. Please tell your family Merry Christmas!
    Karen E.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:31 AM  

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