Is it only two to go?!
Treatment number 42 is in the bag, only two remaining. The technicians were kind enough to take some pictures today just seconds prior receiving a treatment. Across my head you can see the laser lines that they use to begin the alignment prior to the beam starting. The black box is the CT scanner that they use to do the final alignment. This rotates 90 degrees each treatment as they shoot a shot from above and from the side to position the nozzle located on the left. This particular treatment was unique as the machine delivered about 7 "beeps" and then was silent for quite a while before it finished up. The key word there is FINISHED.
This will likely be the last post from Southern California. We returned the equipment today that gave us internet access at the apartment. We are posting from the library in Redlands, CA, a very nice facility with beautiful architecture. There are a number of "last times" this week as we get ready to head home. We will be going to the Tuesday night potluck for the last time and it is customary for the "graduates" to give a short speech.
There are four of the morning group that are finishing this week and we have all been plotting our trip home. One of them is from Woodinville,WA and they are going to take a slow pace along the Pacific Coast Highway for about a week. Others are stopping along the way to see the sights, however we have chosen the rapid deployment strategy and see how long we can drive in two consecutive days. We are ready to be home and hope to make the trip in two long days. The weather along the way has to cooperate, and so far it is looking good, but not great.
Thanks for the kind notes and thoughts you are sending our way. They mean a lot to us.
This will likely be the last post from Southern California. We returned the equipment today that gave us internet access at the apartment. We are posting from the library in Redlands, CA, a very nice facility with beautiful architecture. There are a number of "last times" this week as we get ready to head home. We will be going to the Tuesday night potluck for the last time and it is customary for the "graduates" to give a short speech.
There are four of the morning group that are finishing this week and we have all been plotting our trip home. One of them is from Woodinville,WA and they are going to take a slow pace along the Pacific Coast Highway for about a week. Others are stopping along the way to see the sights, however we have chosen the rapid deployment strategy and see how long we can drive in two consecutive days. We are ready to be home and hope to make the trip in two long days. The weather along the way has to cooperate, and so far it is looking good, but not great.
Thanks for the kind notes and thoughts you are sending our way. They mean a lot to us.
Wow your last post from CA what great news! I hope everything goes as planned tomorrow for you and that you and Ruth have a safe and speedy trip home this weekend.
By Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
Quick update: It appears the last treatment may be postponed, the proton beam was down for the morning. I will post any more news as it arrives!
--Karen Lowe
By Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
Just caught up with the latest postings. Terrific to read. As you are about to end this experience, I want to say thanks for taking the risk and letting us have a peek inside your world during this battle. It was most reassuring to see that humor survives through it all. Catch you on the home side.
By Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
I am faceing the same problem...I beleive the loacal Wenatchee hosbitals have the same equipment???? Why did you chose southern California?
By Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
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